Navigating Single Life

You didn’t expect it to be this way.

First thing in the morning, you wake up to an empty room.

You reach over to check your phone; there are a few new emails, some random app notifications, and no new messages, or anything else you care about reading.

As you scroll through social media, it feels like an endless loop of people smiling and happy with their significant other. And you can’t help but think, “Why can’t I have that?”

It’s a temporary damper, but like every other day, you pull yourself up and try to focus on getting the day started and staying productive because at least that’s something you know you can control.


There are constant reminders.

By this point, being single is the norm for you. But it gets hard to escape the constant barrage of questions.

“Are you talking to anyone right now? What happened to so and so? When are you getting married? When are you going to have kids?”

There’s enormous pressure in our society to be in a relationship.

If you’re not in a relationship, it feels like something must be wrong with you, or you’re doing something wrong

It’s okay and normal to be single.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being single. Eventually, you get to a point where it’s like, “Ok, I know I’m single, and I’m fine with that.”

But there are moments when you question if there is something you should or shouldn’t be doing. You think, “What does it take to be a single and fulfilled woman in today’s society?”

Also, if you want a partner, how do you find a partner?


Create your path through the single life.

It is discouraging and overwhelming when trying to figure out how to navigate single life. There are a lot of questions with very few answers.

My goal is to create a nonjudgmental environment where you can identify your position as being single on life’s journey. Then, we work toward taking confident steps in the direction you want to go.

Do you want to embrace the joys of being single without falling victim to the pressure of others? Or maybe you’re ready to step back into dating and make healthy and productive decisions.

No matter what end of the spectrum you find yourself, our work together will focus on learning strategies to navigate single life happily and confidently.

At the same time, you will receive tools to control your relationship status and make progress on your terms and not someone else’s.


It all starts with you.

Living a single life can be enjoyable, empowering, and easy to navigate if you know the proper steps to take.

Book a free 30-minute consultation by clicking the button below, and let’s talk about how I can help you!